
Jamison Watkins

Major: Social Psychology and Familial Reformation

Academic Advisors: Jennifer Grubbs

Co-op Advisor: 

Co-ops: Visiting Angels; Queer Center Coordinator

Additional Campus Involvement: Former Queer Center Coordinator

Languages: English

Home City: Frankfort, Kentucky


The Addict or One Who Suffers From Substance Use Disorder

Abstract: My capstone focuses on humanizing people who suffer from Substance Use Disorders, or more commonly known as "Addicts".  People struggling with Substance Use Disorders have been stigmatized for over a century, even before we knew that addiction was an issue. I examine the stigmas this population receives, and explain the psychological and biological reasoning for starting and continued usage of drugs. My hope is to shift the common perception of the "Addict" as someone who is scary and should blame themselves into someone who has suffered a great deal and cannot get out of their rut when these stigmas follow them everywhere they go.