
William Rice 

  • Advisor: Jennifer Grubbs

  • COOP: Beth Bridgeman

  • COOPs: YS Senior Center Administrative Assistant, Corretta Scott King Center Community Outreach Assistant, Mental Health Services for Clark and Madison Counties Mental Health Technician. 

  • Languages: English, 

  • Home City: Springfield, OH

  • Email:

Anthropology, Evolutionary Biology, and the Future of Healthcare: A Holistic Approach


The healthcare landscape is intricate, and shaped by diverse cultures, practices, and systemic biases. Informed by anthropological and evolutionary perspectives, this paper delves into the challenges faced by healthcare systems, power dynamics & structural violence, social determinants of health, and the potential benefits of adopting a biocultural approach. Drawing from seminal works and contemporary research, the exploration encompasses themes such as cultural competence, scientific racism, environmental impacts, and evolutionary insights. By examining the intersectionality of anthropology and medicine, the study offers insights into holistic healthcare solutions.