
Allie Leach

Major: Environmental Humanities and Community Resilience      

Academic Advisor: Natalie Suzelis

Co-op Advisor: Beth Bridgeman

Co-ops: farm apprentice, Spikenard Farm and Honeybee Sanctuary, Floyd, Virginia; language/cultural immersion: environmental intern, The Tandana Foundation, Otavalo, Ecuador; Workaway volunteer on permaculture farms and natural building projects, cultural immersion hanging co-op in Ireland, England, Netherlands, & Switzerland

Languages:  English, Spanish

Home City: Delaware, Ohio


The Apothecary Garden and the Possibilities of Decolonial Stewardship at Antioch College

How can colonial-capitalist institutions such as Antioch College build upon their land acknowledgements to continue working towards ecological and social repair? This capstone seeks to explore Antioch College’s land use under a lens of decolonial stewardship, asking how the Apothecary Garden and the student group that stewards the space might support transformative reflection and practice. While understanding that true decolonization is only possible through the repatriation of land, this capstone utilizes a variety of academic literature, experiential lessons, and historical archives to envision possible futures for decolonial stewardship at the college.