
Victoria Shinkle

Major: Curating the Visual Arts      

Academic Advisor: Natalie Suzelis 

Co-op Advisor: Richard Kraince  

Co-ops: Assistant to the Creative Director, Herndon Gallery, Yellow Springs - Intern, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts Project Space, New York City - Digital Archive and Communications Intern, The Kitchen, New York City

Languages:  French         

Home City: Lawrenceville, Illinois


My senior project is an exploration of temporal considerations in art. I researched, designed and installed two exhibitions, both ideating on the concept of Time. The first exhibition was In late-stage capitalism, the omnipresent push towards acceleration weighs heavily upon individuals and societal structures, shaping them in its image. At work, we must be ever more productive in shorter and shorter periods of time, and this demand keeps us from our personal lives. There just never seems to be enough time, and we are damned to a constant race in which the only finish line is death. My first show, 48 Hours, highlighted this phenomenon and asked what happens when this pressure is applied to art making. All of the work was crafted in a 24 hour period, and then the show was hung the next day. My second show, taking inspiration from Winona LaDuke’s Economics for the Seventh Generation, dealt with a deeper kind of Time, asking people of varied perspectives to consider and make work for or about the world seven generations, or roughly 250 years, ahead of them.